قائمة بمجمل الانتاج العلمى و المؤلفات العلمية


Paper published from 1989 until 1999



●Baraka, M.A., A.A. Helal, M.A. Abdel Sattar and  A.A. Shalaby (1989). Studies on Phytophthora root rot of citrus in Egypt. 3 rd Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. & Fruits in Egypt and Arab Count, Ismailia, Egypt 1989, Vol., 1, pp 815-831.

Shalaby, A.A (1989). Pathological Studies on Phytophthora Root Rot on Citrus.  M. Sc. Thesis, 115 pp., Botany Dept., Fac. of Agric., Suez Canal Univ., Ismailia, Egypt.


Shalaby, A.A (1993). Studies on Some Viruses Affecting Potato Plants in Egypt". Ph. D. Thesis, 125 pp., Botany Dept., Fac. of Agric., Suez Canal Univ., Ismailia, Egypt.

●Abdel-Sattar, M.A., Gamal El-Din, A.S., Nasr, S.A. and A.A. Shalaby (1993). Light and  electron microscopy studies on tobacco cells infected with PVY strain N. 5 th Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. and Fruits in Egypt Vol: 2, 515-519.

●Gamal El-din A.S., M.A. Abdel-Sattar, Maisa,A.A., S.A. Nasr,and A.A. Shalaby (1993).Purification and serology of PVY strain N from potato plants. 5 th Nat . Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. & Fruits in Egypt.



●Gamal El-din A.S., M.A.Abdel-Sattar, Maisa,A.A. and A.A. Shalaby (1994). Isolation and identification of AMV from potato plants in Egypt. Proc. of seven Conf. of Phytopathol, 1994, Egypt. , Vol. 1, pp 57-68.

●Maisa, A. Awad, Laila,M.I.M., A.A. Shalaby, and A.S., Gamal El-din (1994). Characterization of zucchini yellow mosaic virus in Egypt. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci, (3): 1-9.

Shalaby, A.A., A. S. Gamal El-din, M.M.Satour, Maisa,A.A. ,R.M.Lister and Y. El-Dawoudi (1994).  Studies on barley yellow dwarf virus in Egypt. Proc. of 7th Cong. of Phytopathologiacal Society, 1994, Egypt, 25-34.


●Baraka, M.A., M.A. Abdel-Sattar, S.A. Nasr and A.A. Shalaby (1995). Cytopathological studies on alfalfamosaic virus (AMV) in leaf cells of tobacco plants. 6 th Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. & Fruits in Egypt, Vol:2, 318-324,   1995.

●Gamal El-din A.S., A.A. Shalaby, Maisa, A.A., M.A. Abdel-Sattar, and  H.M. Mazyad  (1995). Studies on potato virus V  (formerly PVY strain C) in Egypt. 6 th Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. & Fruits in Egypt. Vol. 1, pp 308-317.

●Satour, M.M ; A.A. Shalaby; S.A. El-Hadad and  M.I. Abdel-Massieh (1995). Pathogenic fungi and nematodes affecting roots of corn plants in Egypt. 6 th Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. & Fruits in Egypt, , Vol. 1, pp 264-272.


●El-Dougdug, Kh.A.; Maisa, A.  Awad ; A.A. Shalaby, and A.A.  Abo-Zeid (1997). Viroids infect mandarin and navel orange in Egypt.  Arab Univ. J. Agric. Sci., Ain-Shams Univ., Cairo, 5 (2), 209-225.

●Nahed  A. Zaher;  M.S. Shafie; A.A. Shalaby and M.K. Nakhla (1997). Natural occurrence of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) on datura (Datura stramonium L.) plants in Egypt. Egypt. J. Appl. Sci;  Vol., 12 No. (12), pp  31-42.

●Omar, S.A.; M.S. Shafie and A.A. Shalaby  (1997). Interaction between BYMV and Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii on some legume forage crops. 8 th Congress of the Egyptian Phytopathol. Soc., Giza, Egypt, pp 25-37.

Shalaby, A.A., M.K. Nakhla H.M. Mazyad  and D.P. Maxwell (1997). Partial nucleotide sequence of coat protein gene of an isolate of potato virus Y strain N from Egypt. 1st Nat. Conf. Of PPATH. Res. Inst. Vol I: 110-120.

Shalaby, A.A., M.K. Nakhla, M.S. Shafie, H.M. Mazyad, and D.P. Maxwell (1997). Molecular characterization of tomato yellow leaf curl geminivirus (TYLCV) isolated from pepper collected in Egypt. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, Vol. 35 (2): 819-831.

Shalaby, A.A (1997). Characterization of a eggplant mosaic virus strain isolated from naturally infected eggplant in Egypt. Annals of Agric. Sc., Moshtohor, Vol. 35 (3): 1289-1298.

Shalaby, A.A.; Sahar, A. Youssef, M.K. Nakhla; H.M. Mazyad and D.P. Maxwell (1997).  Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) detection of an Egyptian isolate of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) from potato and viroliferus aphids (Myzus persicae Sulz ). 1st Nat. Conf. Of PPATH. Res. Inst. Vol I: 101-109.


Shalaby, A.A.; H.M. Mazyad and Sahar A. Youssef (1999). RT- PCR detection and molecular hybridization of Plum Pox Virus. 8 th Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. & Fruits in Egypt, Vol 2: 250-256.

Shalaby, A.A., and A. El-Sawy (1999). Detection of potato virus Y in tissue culture plantlets using ELISA, RT-PCR and Nucleic acid Hybridization. 8 th Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. & Fruits in Egypt, Vol 2: 242-249.

●Mazyad, H.M.; A.A. Shalaby and A.A. Rezk (1999). Detection of apple chlorotic leaf spot virus and prune dwarf virus from infected apricot and peach trees using RT-PCR and IC-RT-PCR. 8 th Nat. Conf. of Pests & Dis. of Veg. & Fruits in Egypt, Vol. 2: 235-241.



Soliman, A.M., A.A. Shalaby, B. N. Barsoum, G. G. Mohamed, M.K. Nakhla, H. M. Mazyad and D. P. Maxwell (2000). Molecular characterization and RT-PCR-ELISA detection of a potato virus X (PVX) isolate from Egypt. Annals Agric. Sci., Sp. Issue 4: 1791-1804.


Ghanem, G.A.M.; Sahar, A. Youssef; E.A. Salama,. H.M. Mazyad, and A.A Shalaby (2001). Molecular evidence for the occurrence of plum pox virus (PPV) strains in Egypt. Egypt. J.  Phytopathol, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 1-10.



Sahar A. Youssef, A.A. Shalaby, H.M. Mazyad and A. Hadidi (2002). Detection and identification of prune dwarf virus and plum pox virus by standard and multiplex RT-PCR probe capture hybridization (RT-PCR-ELISA). Journal of Plant Pathology, 2002, 84 (2), 113-119, Italy.

Soliman, A.M., Shalaby, A.A., Barsoum, B.N., Mohamed, G.G., Nakhla, M.K., Mazyad, H.M. and Maxwell, D.P. (2002). Molecular characterization of a PVX isolate from Egypt and a PCR-ELISA detection method. ACCESSION No. AF191105,

Shalaby, A. A. (2002). Partial nucleotide sequence variability and molecular detection of an isolate of sugarcane mosaic virus in Egypt. Annals Agric. Sci., Ain Shams Univ., Vol: 47 (1): 1-15.

Shalaby, A.A (2002). Molecular detection of an Egyptian isolate of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) from infected banana plants using RT-PCR and nucleic acid probe and partial sequence identification. Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol., 31 : 183-190.

Shalaby, A.A, M.K. Nakhla, A.M. Soliman, H.M. Mazyad, A. Hadidi, and D.P. Maxwell (2002). Developments of highly sensitive multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (m-RT-PCR) method for detection of three potato viruses in a single reaction and nested PCR. Arab J. Biotech., Vol. 5, No. (2 ), 273-284.

Shalaby, A.A.; A.A. Rezk, M.K. Nakhla, S. El-Deeb, F. Abo El-Abbas, M. El-Hammady, H.M. Mazyad, and D.P. Maxwell  (2002). Molecular methods for detection of Banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) from banana tissues and viruliferous banana aphids. Phytopathology 92:S75, (Abstract)


Amer, M. A.; M.  El- Hammady; F.M. Abo-El-Abbas;  A.A. Shalaby and H. M. Mazyad  (2003). Detection and typing of the Egyptian sub isolates O, N and NTN of PVY using RT-PCR, RFLP, Nested and Hemi-nested RT-PCR methods. Proc. of Tenth Conference of Phytopathology, Giza,  Egypt,  No.26,393-402. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nucleotide&val=6273328).

Shalaby, A.A., Sahar A. Youssef and H. Mazyad  (2003). Occurrence and molecular detection of PLUM POX VIRUS strain in Egypt. In: Virus and virus-like diseases of stone fruits, with particular reference to the Mediterranean region.  Options Méditerranéennes Série B n.45, Proceedings of the Mediterranean Network on Fruit Tree Viruses (MNFTV page 89-93): 2000-2002 activity report


Torres, H., Gómez, G., Pallás, V., Stamo, B., Shalaby, A., Aouane, B., Gavriel, I., Kominek, P., Caglayan, K., Sipahioglu, M., Michelutti, R., Myrta, A. and Fiore, N. 2004. Detection by Tissue Printing of Stone Fruit Viroids, from Europe, the Mediterranean and North and South America.   Proc. XIXth IS on Fruit Tree Virus Diseases, Acta Hort  657:379-383(ISHS).



Amer, M. A.; M.  El- Hammady; H. M. Mazyad;  A.A. Shalaby and F.M. Abo-El-Abbas (2004). Cloning, expression and nucleotide sequence of coat protein gene of an Egyptian isolate of potato virus Y strain NTN infecting potato plants. Egyptian J. Virol. 1, 39-50.

El Attar, A.K. , A. M. Shamloul, A.A. Shalaby, B.Y. Riad, A. Saad, H.M. Mazyad and J.M. Keith (2004). Expression of Chimeric HCV Peptide in Transgenic Tobacco Plants Infected with Recombinant Alfalfa Mosaic Virus for Development of a Plant-Derived Vaccine Against HCV. African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol 3 ( 10 ), 2004.   

Sahar  A. Youssef ;  A. A. Shalaby ; A. A. Rezk ; M. K. Nakhla;  H. M. Mazyad and D. P. Maxwell (2004). Simple and reliable assays for the detection of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) in tomato plants and whitefly transmitted virus by nested and heminested PCR. XVTH International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC), Beijing, China, May 11-16, 2004 (Abstract No. 0003).

Soliman, A.M., Mazyad, H.M., Barsoum, B.N., Mohamed, G.G., Shalaby, A.A., Rezk, A.A., Nakhla, M.K. and Maxwell, D.P. (2004). Sequence analysis of coat protein gene of potato virus X isolate from Egypt. ACCESSION No.   AY763582, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/viewer.fcgi?db=nucleotide&val=53986825


Maxwell D.P. and Ch. Martin,  2005. Detection Methods for Viruses of Banana, Citrus, Cucumber, Grape, Potato, Stone Fruits, and Tomato Developed by MERC Scientists  2005. 157pp. Grant number: PEG-G-00-98-0009-00, Dept. of Plant Path., UW-Madison, USA,  web site: http://www.plantpath.wisc.edu/invirlab/TextSheetsComplete.pdf


●Abdel-Sattar, M.A.; shalaby, A. A.; Hanan, A. El-Marzoky and Sahar A. Youssef (2006). Mango malformation: Occurance, pathogenicity test and molecular detection of Fusarium mangiferae in mango seedlings  and adult trees using species- specific primers in Egypt.  Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci.,  21 (3) 2006.




●El-Marzoky, Hanan A.; Abdel-Sattar, M.A. and A. A. shalaby (2006). Epidemiology and survival of Fusarium mangiferae, the causal organism of mango malformation disease in Egypt.  Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci.,  22 (7) 2007.

Shalaby, A. A.; Amal M. Abou El-Ella, Sahar A. Youssef, and M. A. Amer (2007). Evaluation of sanitary status of grapevines in Egypt. J. Agric. Sci. Mansoura Univ., 32 (2):755-763, 2007.

●Sahar. A. Youssef, M. Maymon, A. Zveibil, D. Klein-Gueta, A. Sztejnberg, A. A. Shalaby and S. Freeman (2007).  Epidemiological aspects of mango malformation disease caused by Fusarium mangiferae and source of infection in seedlings cultivated in orchards in EgyptPlant Pathology, Volume 56, Number 2, April 2007 , pp. 257-263(7)

●Nagy A. A.; Sharaf, A. N.; M.H, Soliman; A. A. Shalaby and Sahar A. Youssef (2007). Molecular Characterization of the coat protein gene on Barely Yellow Dwarf Virus serotypes PAV and RMV in Wheat and aphide by sequencing and real time PCR. Arab J. Biotech., Vol.10, No.  (1) (2007): 207-218.

●Sahar A. Youssef,; Amal M. Abou El-Ella, M. A. Amer and A. A. Shalaby (2007). Detection and Partial sequence identification of grapevine leafroll-associated virus-1(GLRaV-I) in Egypt.  Arab J. Biotech., Vol.10,  No.( 2 ), (2007): 399-408..

Shalaby,A.A.; T.A. Evans; Sahar. A. Youssef and A.M.H. Esh (2007). Detection, identification and salt tolerance of potato soft rot  Erwinia spp. in Egypt. 7 th African Potato Association Conf., Vol.7, pp.228-237, Alex., Egypt.

Shalaby A. A.; A. A. Haj kassem; A. A. Rezk; A. M. Soliman and Sahar A. Youssef (2007). Detection of the most important potato viruses using ELISA, RT-PCR and nucleic acid hybridization in Egypt and Syria. 7 th African Potato Association Conf., Vol.7, pp.272-283, Alex., Egypt.




●Sahar A. Youssef;  M.M. Al-Dhaher and A.A. Shalaby  (2008). Elimination of Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (GFLV) and Grapevine Leafroll -associated Virus-1 (GLRaV-1)  from infected grapevine plants using meristem tip culture technique. Egyptian J. Virol. 5, 585-601 ( 2008).

●Sahar A. Youssef and Shalaby A. A. (2008). Single-step multiplex reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for simultaneous detection of five RNA viruses affecting stone fruit trees. Egyptian J. Virol. 5, 472-485  ( 2008).

●Mohamad Khalaf, Safaa G. Kumari, Amin Haj Kasem, Khaled M.  Makkouk, Abdel-Baset A. ShalabY and Salah El-Chaabi (2008). Molecular characterization of a Bean yellow mosaic virus isolate from Syria. Phytopathol. mediterr. , 47, 282-285 (2008).




●Nader Y. Asaad, Safaa G. Kumari, Amin A. Haj-Kassem, ABDEL-BASET   A. Shalaby, Sahar A. Youssef, Salah Al-ShaAbI and Rajendra S. Malhotra (2009). Detection and Characterization of Chickpea chlorotic stunt virus in Syria. Journal of Phytopathology , 157:756-761 (2009).

● Youssef, S.A.; A. A. Shalaby,; A. Sztejnberg,; M. Maymon,; A. Zveibil, D. Klein-Gueta, and S. Freeman (2009). Malformation presence in Mango Seedling Trees Cultivated within Infected Egyptian Orchards. Acta Hort. 820: 479- 482, ISHS 2009.

Sahar A. Youssef; El-Fakharany, E. M.  and A.A. Shalaby (2009). Detection of virus diseases affecting apple and pear trees in Egypt. 10th Arab Congress of Plant Protection, 2009 (Abstract).

Sahar A. Youssef;  El-Sayed, M.; Anna  M. D'Onghia and A.A. Shalaby (2009). Serological and molecular detection of cucumber mosaic virus from olive trees in Egypt. 10th Arab Congress of Plant Protection, 2009 (Abstract).




●Sahar A. Youssef , Moawed, S.M.   and A. A. Shalaby (2009). Detection and Identification of Apple Stem Pitting and Apple Stem Grooving Affecting Apple and Pear in Egypt. 21st "International Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops" in Germany 2009, 5 - 10. July

●Sahar A. Youssef , Moawed, S.M. , El-Sayed, M.   and A. A. Shalaby (2009). A one-Step Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction-based detection of olive trees viruses in Egypt. 21st "International Conference on Virus and other Graft Transmissible Diseases of Fruit Crops" in Germany 2009, 5 - 10. July.




●El-Dougdoug, Kh. A.; Othman, A. B.; Shalaby, A. A. and Lamyaa, H. M. Kamal (2009). Biological and Molecular Detection  of Banana Mosaic Virus (BMV) Isolate Infecting Banana Plants in Egypt. Egyptian J. Virol.  (In Press).



المصدر: الانتاج العلمى و المؤلفات العلمية و البحوث المنشورة
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